LoL EUW Account Eladó! - Nyomtatható verzió

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LoL EUW Account Eladó! - hydraqz - 2015.11.25.

<b>League of Legends</b> account eladó az eredeti tulajtól!

Season 1 óta létező account (2011)

<div><b>Nick </b>: Hydraqz 
<b>Region</b> : EU-WEST

<b>RANKED :</b> 

S1 <i>Silver</i>
<div>S2 <i>Silver</i>
S3 <i>Gold</i>
S4 <i>Gold</i>
S5 <i>Silver 1 </i>
467<i> Wins</i>
Alistar ( Infernal, Unchained)

Elise (Victorious)
Gangplank (Minuteman)
Irelia (Infiltrator)
Jarvan IV (Commando)
Lee Sin (Pool Party)
Morgana (Victorious)
Rammus (Full Metal)
Ryze (Dark Crystal)
Tristana (Riot Girl)
CHAMPIONS (73): Aatrox, Akali, Alistar, Amumu, Anivia, Annie, Ashe, Blitzcrank, Cassiopeia, Cho'Gath, Corki, Diana, Dr.Mundo, Elise, Evelynn, Ezreal, Fiddlesticks, Gangplank, Garen, Gragas, Graves, Irelia, Janna, Jarvan IV, Jax, Jayce, Karma, Karthus, Kassadin, Katarina, Kayle, Kha'Zix, LeBlanc, Lee Sin, Leona, Lux, 
Malphite, Master Yi, Mordekaiser, Morgana, Nasus, Nautilus, Nidalee, Nunu, Olaf, Orianna, Pantheon, Poppy, Rammus, Riven, Rumble, Ryze, Shaco, Shen, Singed, Sion, Sivir, Sona, Soraka, Syndra, Taric, Tristana, Trundle, Tryndamere, Twisted Fate, Twitch, Udyr, Urgot, Veigar, Vi, Vladimir, Warwick, Zilean
Full AD/AP/Jungler Runepage!
Email : kozmagergo95@gmail.com


Kérésre szivesen megmutatom ingame a championoket, skineket. Ajánlatokat emailben küldjetek!


ÁR : 10.000 Ft