Eladó Leuge Of Legends Account (EUNE) - Nyomtatható verzió

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Eladó Leuge Of Legends Account (EUNE) - szabendi - 2018.01.23.


Eladóvá vált Gold 1-ben lévő Leauge Of Legends Accountom idő hiánya miatt!

- 278 Champion ( 15 db Champion hiányzik)

- 53 Skin ( 2 Legendary , 12 Epic , 7 Legacy , 5 Chroma ): God Fist Lee Sin, Blackfrost Anivia, Project Zed, Project Yasuo, Soul Reaver Draven, Forsaken Jayce, Void Fizz, Firecracker Jinx, Pool Party Graves, Artic Ops Varus, Arclight Vel'Koz, Project Luican, Project Fiora, Creator Viktor, High Noon Yasuo(+ Chroma), Snow Day Ziggs, Commando Galio, Freljord Rammus, Traditional Lee Sin, Sandstorm Ekko,  Championship Zed, Blood Moon Kennen, Victorious Graves(+2 Chroma), Professor Ryze, Superfan Gragas, Franch Maid Nidalee, Statue Of Karthus, Pre-Void Kassadin, Gladiator Draven, Renegade Talon, Infernal Alistar, Urf Kench, Mafia Miss Fortune, HillBill Gragas, Victorius Maokai, Sailor Gangplank, Night Hunter Rengar, Riot Kayle, Nightblade Irelia, Justicar Syndra, Phoenix Quinn, Guardian Of The Sand Kha'Zix, Red Card Twisted Fate, Haunted Maokai, Divine Soraka, Arclight Varus, Hired Gun Graves, Muay Thai Lee Sin, Shockblade Zed(+2 Chroma), Pool Party Lee Sin, Bird Of Prey Anivia, Skt T1 Zed, Assasin Master Yi

- 8528 Blue Essence

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