Gaming Caffe - Nyomtatható verzió

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Gaming Caffe - Vendég - 2006.05.02.

i cant write in hungarian so i hope someone will help me

im looking for a GOOD gaming caffe in budapest (pest) where i can play CS

help please, all the caffes that i know off SUCK, so could someone tell me 1 caffe where i can play CS, and not to worry about the ping, fps and all


Gaming Caffe - chilly - 2006.05.03.

[quote name='choshic' post='2859' date='2006. 05. 02. / 19:34']i cant write in hungarian so i hope someone will help me

im looking for a GOOD gaming caffe in budapest (pest) where i can play CS

help please, all the caffes that i know off SUCK, so could someone tell me 1 caffe where i can play CS, and not to worry about the ping, fps and all



weeeelll, it is not that easy because some netcafes have CS installed but most of them use it without buying the licence thus they do not really promote that they have it.

secondly, most places have inferior LAN equipment, which means that your ping will be below average.

thirdly, most netcafes have machines enough for browsing only and not gaming,

furthermore, the good old places I knew when I was playing actively have disappeared, maybe because ADLS and cable net access have become widely accessible.

so yepp, you have got a point there and I think I cannot give you advice on this. however, I have seen some cafes in the XIIIth district when I was wondering around the Pannónia utca and Victor Hugó utca area. (cannot remember which street it was but definitely somewhere near there in a 2-3 blocks radius) I cannot remember what kind of machines they had but if you have not checked that place out yet, you should give it a try.